Munich and Dachau

We left Barcelona by plane and headed back up north to Germany for two nights. Neither Mags or I thought we would have the reaction to Germany that we did: it was strikingly beautiful. Bavaria knows how to do autumn right.


We arrived early and spent the rest of the day exploring Munich, the Englisher Garten near the University and we had currywurst (which is delicious! It’s basically a sausage smothered in curry sauce, highly recommend it). 

But the next day was what we really trekked back north again for: The Dachau Memorial site. 

If I had words to describe what it is like to be in such a place it would probably make for a much better blog post but I haven’t the correct words. The whole experience can probably be best described as surreal and perspective altering. Below you will find photos, as well as some facts we learned during our visit. If you ever get the chance to witness a place like this, please go.


A watch tower a top the gatehouse.
A memorial to all of the prisoners who committed suicide by the eletric fence.
Part of the main memorial, in honor of the Jewish prisoners and their color coded patches. Not all groups have been represented.
The inside of a cell, in the bunker.
The cement is where the original prisoner barraks were. Only two have been recreated.


The prisoner’s bunks were basically 3 huge frames stacked on each other. Rooms made for 50 people held 200.
The walk towards the religious memorials, past where the prisoner’s barraks would have been.
The Jewish memorial on site.
Just a few of the ovens in the Crematorium.
Inside the Gas Chamber. The room was falsely marked as “Showers”.
J stepping through the santiation room, where the clothes and shoes of the murdered prisoners were brought before recycled back into rotation.
Seen near the crematorium.
The mocking phrase: “Work makes you free.”

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